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Funston Gin Company is located in Funston, Georgia.  We have been in business since 1964. Funston Gin Company was formed by Donald Parker and forty-seven other stockholders.  At one time Funston Gin Company was the only operating gin in Colquitt County.  It has been in operation every year since its inception and still employs its original ginner.

The original gin was remodeled in 1984, installing the first universal density press in Georgia.  Funston Gin Company, Inc. was purchased from the board of directors and its stockholders by Tom Stallings and his family July 17, 1987.  In 1991 the gin had major renovation, adding an additional 141 gin stand and two additional lint cleaners. A fountain dryer was also installed, and the gin split its pre-cleaning overhead by installing an additional incline over a three-cylinder stick machine, plus an additional incline over impact.  In the 1987 crop year, the first module builders in Colquitt County were purchased by Funston Gin Company. The productivity of the gin had a low of 1,274 bales in 1979 and a high of 90,479 bales in 2001.

In 2001, all of the ginning equipment was removed from the gin building and a new Continental ginning system was erected. Included in this new ginning equipment were two new 161 gin stands, along with 4 new 24D lint cleaners behind them. Also included was new overhead cleaning, along with a new drying system. Funston Gin Company then added a Continental 9500 press with a 50 bale per hour capacity. We think this is the best and most technologically advanced system in the world.

Funston Gin Company is owned by Tom and Jon Stallings. Tom's wife is Janet Butler Stallings, and they reside in Camilla, Georgia. They have four children: Erica Stallings, Megan Reiber Cassidy, Paige Reiber, and Jonathan Stallings. Jon Stallings, who resides in Thomasville, Georgia has two children: Jon Thomas and Ella Vereen Stallings.

In 2008, another 161 gin stand, lint cleaner, and automotive bale strapping system was installed. In 2010 a 120" incline over stick machine plus additional drying capacity was put in place. This will insure the efficiency of the gin capacity and further reduce the leaf grade of hairy leaf cotton. These additions increased our ginning capacity from 35 bales per hour to 45 bales per hour.

In 2011, we have installed a new roller bed feeder and a spider unwrapper to handle round modules of cotton in an efficient, safe, and productive environment. In 2013 we are running test on a new 200 hp gin stand motor and we have also added a larger storage and feed control system along with an extra heater for cotton with excessive high moisture content. With these additions, we are capable of ginning up to 53 bales per hour. We feel like we have improved the gin for the next generation of cotton. 

In 2014, after a successful test of running the 220 hp Gin Stand Motor in 2013, we upgraded all gin stands motors to the 200 hp motors. We also have started running a 181 Gin Stand Conversion Prototype with the hope of producing capabilities of ginning 22 bales per hour per gin stand with the equivalent up to 66 bales per hour.

We have installed a 72-inch consolidated moisture condenser and a Samuel Jackson King Messa Moisture Restoration System to increase the amount of moisture content on dry cotton. With these improvements, we will be able to secure a larger return for our customers.

Currently, Tom Stallings, is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the corporation. Jon T. Stallings has been employed since 2008 as the General Manager. Denna Conley, will complete her 30th year as our Secretary Treasurer and Business Manager. Alanna Tillery our Chief Administrative Officer and Shipping Coordinator has been with us since 2013. 

Our mission at Funston Gin Company, Inc. is to offer quality ginning, professional marketing and personal service. As well as continuously striving to provided diversified services to better help the farming community.


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